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Ailsa’s Travel Theme: New


This week’s travel theme is “new” and what better way to start the New Year than with four new monkeys that joined Kongo’s troop Christmas Day?  From left to right are Bongo, Mooch, Caipora, and Jungle.  They actually came in wrapped in a big binder as a clever takeout on one of Kongo’s earlier blogs titled “Binders Full of Monkey,” which was a parody Kongo did on one of the presidential debates in October.

Kongo poses with the four new simian arrivals
Kongo’s entire troop gathers for a group photo

From left to right are Valentine, Bongo, Mooch, Caipora, Kongo, Jungle, Missy, Cheeks, and Sweetheart.

With this rapidly growing troop, 2013 promises to be a fun New Year.  Kongo is already planning new travel adventures and various types of mischief.  Stay tuned.

See more “new” themes from Ailsa at Where’s my backpack.

Travel safe.  Have fun.

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