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Ailsa’s Travel Theme: Bridges


This week’s travel theme from Ailsa is Bridges.  While there are many famous bridges in the world none are perhaps as beautiful and iconic as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.  This view from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in the Marin Headlands has been taken a million times by millions of different monkeys but it is still an awesome photo opportunity!

Read more about Ailsa’s Weekly Travel Theme here in her blog Where’s my backpack?

Continue reading to see some more of Kongo’s favorite bridges.

Travel safe.  Have fun.

The Chain Bridge spanning the River Danube in Budapest
Stone bridge built in 1200 in Regensberg, Germany
St. Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic
Brooklyn Bridge, New York, NY
Coronado Bay Bridge, San Diego, CA
A jet bridge at the Atlanta airport. These bridges always take Kongo someplace new


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