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Thanks for the memories, Bob


Along the San Diego Bay embarcadero between Seaport Village and the Midway Carrier Museum, Bob Hope continues to give non-stop performances to his favorite veterans.  This time Bob and the veterans are memorialized in bronze statues and a recording plays famous one-liners from many of his shows over the years. like “One sailor told me the pretty nurse on his ward really knows her job. She takes our blood pressure and then deducts twenty points for ‘white dress’ syndrome.” The memorial, titled A salute to Bob Hope and the Military, features fifteen life-sized statures arranged as if they are part of an audience Bob might have seen during his many overseas tours to entertain the troops between 1941 and the Gulf War.  The veterans represent the three services and the uniforms depict the wars where they fought.  It’s easy to walk around through the frozen crown and listen to the Bob’s non-stop banter.

Kongo is held up by a sailor to get a better view of Bob.  Kongo saw Bob Hope in Seoul, Korea in 1984 when the ship he was stationed aboard visited the port of Pusan.

To see the memorial, walk south from the USS MIDWAY and turn right into the park.  Bob is just past the huge kissing statue titled “Unconditional Surrender.”

Travel safe.  Have fun.  Keep laughing.

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