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Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape


A great escape in Paris after a long day roaming about the streets and sights is Harry’s New York Bar. Just a short two blocks from Kongo’s hotel at 5 Rue Daunou, Harry’s Bar was beyond the bucket list.  It was more like a “gotta do spot” on the pilgrimage list. 

Harry’s Bar is made famous by such regulars as Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Coco Chanel, Rita Hayworth, Jack Dempsey, and George Gershwin who reportedly penned An American in Paris  over martinis in a corner booth at the bar.

Kongo raised his own glass, a perfect martini, to the memories of the illustrious monkeys who used to grace this neat place.  Stop by Harry’s the next time you’re in Paris and tell them the monkey sent you. It’s a great escape.  See more great escapes here.

Kongo relaxes with a few (several actually) martinis at Harry’s Bar.

Travel safe.  Have fun.

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