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Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways — Part II


Kongo likes this week’s photo challenge so much he decided to submit two entries.  So today he was knocking about Old Town waiting for Mrs. Kongo to show up for a lunch date and took the picture above of a cactus against an adobe wall.  He really likes this image.  He likes the color of the wall and the muddy stain on the lower half against the green cactus.  And he likes the overall lighting which was in the shade of the building eave.

After lunch he was walking back toward his car and passed the same spot again and saw the cactus in a whole new light.  Literally.  The sun had moved past the eave and for the first time, Kongo saw the three windows trailing off to the right.  This seemed like such a simple picture.  The cactus, the wall, the windows.  But the simple pictures are sometimes the best, so this is the same shot a second way times two.

Kongo likes both the images.  Which is your favorite?

See more entries in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.  A link to Kongo’s original entry is shown below.

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