Weekly Photo Challenge: Letters

IMG_1051-2This week’s photo challenge is a tough one for the monkey.  Letters.  Hmm.  The  L-O-V-E sculpture on 6th Avenue in NYC comes to mind but alas, Kongo doesn’t have a picture of that.  He does have a picture of a statue of Pavol Hviezdoslav from Bratislava. Pavol was a Czech poet and dramatist and when you look at all the letters in his name and try to sound them out in your head it all starts going south about the time you get to the Z and

then you have to start over again.  Had Kongo met this famous literary figure in the mid 19th, Century he thinks it would just be, “Hey, Pavol, how’s it going?”  Actually the name is pronounced VEE dus LAV (Kongo thinks that’s how he remembers his tour guide pronouncing it) but one of his Slavic friends may jump in here and provide additional guidance.  Which brings up the subject of silent letters like the H and Z.  Kongo never did really get the purpose of a silent letter, especially two in a single name.

Giving up on tough strings of letters Kongo moved on to things he could wrap his monkey head about and those included a few of his favorite bars:

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The Buena Vista in San Francisco and Harry’s Bar in Paris.  Both have easy letters, and appeal to Kongo’s purist sense of what a sign ought to be like.  Nothing too fancy just enough to draw you in with just the right amount of letters and none of them silent.

The Paris Metro sign below is a classic.  As is the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.  Both of these signs have great letters!

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See more letters at the WordPress Photo Challenge.

Travel safe.  Have fun.



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