Florida Spring Break

So, the monkey took off to Florida for Spring Break because, why not? Everyone else goes to Florida at this time of year. Actually it really was Spring Break for #3 Granddaughter and her academic parents so Mr. and Mrs. Kongo jetted across the country to Tampa to spend a week in the Florida sun. Or not.


For the first few days the monkeys actually froze their little tutus off. We huddled around a fire, bundled up in sweaters, and wondered why the weather was colder here than home in L.A.  Then it warmed up for the full range of activities #3 had in mind.

Sitting on the front porch swing was okay for only so long, then it was off to a final school day before the break to get a tiger face.


And since she lives just across the street from a golf course where the Reverend Billy Gram received his calling we had to visit that spot.  Evidently the famous evangelist stood on the banks of the Hillsborough River and practiced his sermons on alligators and maybe even passing golfers.



With that out of the way, Kongo was off to the Tampa Zoo. Never one to pass up a zoo, the monkey found the Tampa zoo surprisingly good.


There was a great Orangutan exhibit there and this momma Orang and her baby were the hit of the day.


Tampa’s Bush gardens were also on the list of things to do. And Kongo did it.  All 12,841 steps of it. Mrs. Kongo even got a log ride out of the day and the animals there were as exciting as those at the Tampa Zoo!  She also rode a train and seemed to like it well enough.



There were also lions and tigers.  Oh my.  Oh, and monkeys too.




Luckily for the egret, this lion (named Simon) was a little slow on the uptake.

Kongo also visited a Buddhist temple, the Wat Thai Temple.



A day in Tampa would not be complete without a trip to the beach so they visited Don Ceasar’s resort in St. Petersburg before heading up to Treasure Island to lounge on the sand and drink while watching the sun set.


Today it seems that Tarpon Springs is on the agenda.

More fun to come.

Travel safe.  Have fun!



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