Weekly Photo Challenge: Green

For this photo challenge, the color green, I chose to select green accents on famous landmarks across Central and Eastern Europe caused by lighting (as in the picture of Budapest’s Chain Bridge above) or the weathered patina on various church spires.

Travel safe. Have fun.
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A-Z Challenge: The Letter R

R is for RACE! Kongo enters his first A-Z Photo Challenge with a shot of road racers in the Budapest half-marathon held in September 2012.  The picture was taken at the 7 km mark.  I love the different faces showing determination and exertion.  And thanks to Stephen Kelly whose brilliant posts in this challenge inspired me. Travel safe.  Have fun. Related articles A-Z Challenge: The Letter R: ROAR!!! (stephenkellycreative.wordpress.com) Continue reading A-Z Challenge: The Letter R

Budapest Revisited

Kongo spent three days in Budapest earlier this month.  What a city!  Budapest possesses charm, history, stunning views, and mystery.  Loaded with the flavor of the Astro-Hungarian Empire, a taste of the eastern steppes, and the lurking mysteries of the Cold War, Budapest has something for everyone.  These photos try to capture some of the flavor of this marvelous city on the Danube.

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