Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: White

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge this week is WHITE.  Above is St. Andrew’s Church in Kiev, Ukraine. Kiev has many beautiful churches but this Baroque beauty at the top of St. Andrew’s Descent, an artsy neighborhood in Kiev, is one of Kongo’s favorites.  It was built in 1745 by the Russian Empress Elizabeth who needed a private church for her daily worship near a palace she kept nearby. This picture was taken in November 2012 before the present troubles in this beautiful city.  See more WHITE images at Cee’s blog. Continue reading Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: White

Weekly Photo Challenge: One shot, two ways

This week’s Photo Challenge is to take a picture of the same subject in two different ways.  Never good at following directions, Kongo decided to take this challenge on in three ways. While visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico a few weeks ago the monkey became enamored with The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  He loves the simple but classic architecture and clean lines.  So he tried shooting it three different ways using the “rule of thirds” in the composition.  The first photo had some green trees around the base of the steeple but the monkey thought that was a bit … Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge: One shot, two ways

Good Morning Santa Fe


Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine caught the monkey’s eye yesterday morning while he was out and about on photo assignment.  Our class at the NatGeo Photo Expedition Workshop started out at the Santa Fe Railroad Yard with a theme to explore Santa Fe waking up.  Santa Fe is one of those places that wakes up slowly.  It seemed to be a stretch and yawn and snooze for another five minutes kind of place. Continue reading “Good Morning Santa Fe”

Monkey Kiev

After flying pretty much non-stop from San Diego yesterday (leaving at 7 in the morning) Kongo arrives in Kiev at 1130 AM the next day (today). He did have about an hour layover in Atlanta and another hour in Paris to stretch his monkey legs. After checking into his hotel he headed out for a few hours of walking around Kiev. It was a pretty dreary day weather-wise. A rain had just ended but low clouds hung over everything. Temperature in the mid-40s.

Above is the Saint Volodymyr Cathedral, only a few blocks from Kongo’s hotel.

Continue reading “Monkey Kiev”