Boyz In The Organ Pavilion



This clutch of intrepid young men were hanging out at the Balboa Park Organ Pavilion yesterday afternoon.  Kongo sensed that they were up to something.  He wasn’t wrong.  After casually scoping the area to make sure there were no security gorillas in the area these fearless Middle School warriors, this band of brothers, began taking skateboard leaps off the stage.  These weren’t measly little curb jumps.  These were leaps Evel Knievel  could admire. This was a precipice of almost five feet which, seemed to the monkey to be a long way to be free falling with a skateboard.  

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As a parent, Kongo cringed as these airborne Musketeers went off the edge without gloves, helmets, or knee pads.  They were armed only with a rising tide of testosterone, peer support, and the infallible conviction that at 13 they were surely immortal.

Ah, to be young and stupid.  Kongo well remembers those days.  Of course in the 60s we hadn’t been exposed to the glories of X-Sports or the monkey would surely have been there.  As it was he kept to motorcycles, driving fast, and getting pulled behind a bicycle while on an old-style skateboard with composition wheels.

Fortunately, all these young men survived to fly another day.

Have fun.  Travel safe.  And for Monkey’s Sake, WEAR A HELMET next time!

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