Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways — Part II


Kongo likes this week’s photo challenge so much he decided to submit two entries.  So today he was knocking about Old Town waiting for Mrs. Kongo to show up for a lunch date and took the picture above of a cactus against an adobe wall.  He really likes this image.  He likes the color of the wall and the muddy stain on the lower half against the green cactus.  And he likes the overall lighting which was in the shade of the building eave. Continue reading “Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways — Part II”

Cactus Monkey


So today Kongo dropped Missy and Mrs. Kongo off at the airport then he headed east on the road to Santa Fe.  Kongo is on the way to a 7-day National Geographic Photo Workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico with Joe McNally.  The photo workshop will be a great opportunity for Kongo to hone some of his photography skills in a small group setting with a world renowned artist.  Mr. McNally has been a staff photographer for Life, Sports Illustrated, and has shot for National Geographic for 25 years.  Needless to say, the monkey is psyched.  This afternoon he explored a bit of Saguaro National Park just east of Tucson, Arizona. Continue reading “Cactus Monkey”