Remodel Monkey

IMG_0013So, where to begin?  Since the monkey last checked in the Kongo clan relocated from the Florida coast to Southern California and now reside in lovely Newbury Park, about an hour from LAX and about five miles due north of Malibu’s beaches.  The newest abode is nestled in the foothills of the Santa Monica mountains and backs up to open space (think coyotes and mountain lions).

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Jungle Moves or Why House Hunting is Not Fun

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So the monkey has been away for awhile.  It’s nothing serious (or maybe it is).  There’s been way too much business travel for the past few months and the Kongos are now in the midst of looking for a new treehouse in a jungle far, far away.  At least far away from America’s Finest City.  All the way across the continent to what locals call the “First Coast.”  Kongo is moving to Florida.

Loyal followers will recall that the monkey regularly commutes to Florida on business.  Regular means just about every week.  He’s been shuttling between the East and West Coasts for several years now and has to admit that it’s getting old.  So when Kongo’s company began putting pressure on him to relocate it came time for a big decision.  Should we pack up and leave wonderful San Diego and move to a RED STATE where there are occasional hurricanes and people drink iced tea with sugar in it?  Big decision.  Alternatives were maybe launching a full time blogging career (this would probably be a charitable endeavor as nobody is stepping up to actually pay Kongo to write travel blogs), become a professional photographer (Kongo has sold almost $400 in images on Dreamtime in …. wait for it….six months!)  Or maybe be a grand girl minder, drive a Meals-on-Wheels delivery truck, or settle down and write that great American novel about coming of age in a monkey troop.  Decisions, decisions.  When the coin was flipped it went up in the air, got fumbled when the monkey caught it, then he dropped it, and it rolled around and went under the nightstand and then got dragged out with two dust bunnies and tails — the side of the coin designated for Florida.

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