A Day in Rome


And then there was Rome.  Of all the places Kongo visited during his European trip last month, Rome was the city most anticipated.  Kongo always felt that if you haven’t been to Rome then you really haven’t been to Europe.  Not that other great cities on the continent he’d visited weren’t grand.  London, Paris, Prague, Vienna, Venice, Florence, Budapest.  Even Moscow.  But Rome?  Well, Rome is Rome.

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Lunch in Old Town



Kongo had lunch in Old Town San Diego earlier this week and captured these images.  Old Town used to be a favorite spot but it’s become so super touristy that the monkey has been avoiding it for several years.  He had to look hard to find shots that didn’t evoke all that is wrong with this rendition of San Diego at the end of the century before last.

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Kiev Tour

Kongo did a full day touring Kiev today and now he’s a tired little monkey. Oksana, his tour guide, took him through squares, caves, monasteries, cathedrals, Golden Gates, Metro rides, squares, presidential palaces, some more churches, across the river, a slew of monuments, and a heavy dose of Soviet architecture. Whew.

The picture above is St. Andrew’s Cathedral at night.

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