After the rain


After four days of rain, some of it torrential, the skies finally cleared over San Diego this afternoon. We needed the rain, of course. California is in the midst of a biblical drought and at Kongo’s house more than four inches fell.  At least that’s how much the pool level rose. Since we only average about eight inches a year that’s a lot of rain. Not enough to end the drought but something. Now all the weather heads toward the East Coast on the jet stream.

So the monkey headed out to the Old Cactus Garden in Balboa Park to see how the plants weathered the storm.  They did just fine. The colors today were particularly intense. Mrs. Kongo, who knows her way around a color wheel, said “nature always knows what colors go together.  Nature knows best.”  And so it does.

IMG_1534 IMG_1577 IMG_1530 IMG_1568 IMG_1519 IMG_1527 IMG_1555 IMG_1564 IMG_1518 IMG_1550 IMG_1547 IMG_1540

Travel safe.  Have fun.

9 thoughts on “After the rain

  1. Beautiful pictures! We might be heading to the area at the end of April. Guess we need to check out Balboa Park before heading off to Palm Springs and Joshua Tree.

    1. Well, Pam, let me know when you are in town! We’re off to Peru and the Galapagos at the end of April but maybe we can have time for a rendezvous!

      1. Oh what a fantastic trip!!! People keep telling us we should go there. We’ll be downtown around April 22, and then off to the desert. Would love to meet up for dinner if it worked out. Know you travel a lot. So excited for your wonderful vacation!

  2. Everything looks refreshed except the cactus! Fabulous shots 🙂
    I hope you’ll take good care of our little friend in Peru. Maybe I should come along to help out.

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